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J.J. Richardson
Jan 18, 20202 min read
Funny Rocks
Given the growing number of satirical websites that provide highly realistic information, I thought I would try my hand at such a...

J.J. Richardson
Jan 18, 20207 min read
What is Good Fiction?
When your prose is effective, your readers will become someone else in a different time and place.

J.J. Richardson
Oct 20, 20196 min read
The Muse of Soundtracks
If you want to immerse yourself in a creative and unique atmosphere that sends you far away to a distant land, then listen to a soundtrack.

J.J. Richardson
Jun 25, 20197 min read
How to Become a Famous Author
The world will not accept you as an author any more than those whom you know personally.

J.J. Richardson
Apr 22, 20197 min read
Choosing the Best Career
Are you looking to choose a career? Let me help you. After reading this you’ll run off to the nearest university and register for classes.

J.J. Richardson
Apr 4, 20197 min read
Why is it Hard to Write Dialogue?
I was surprised when I heard many authors express their fear of writing dialogue. “Dialogue is easy to write!” I said to myself.

J.J. Richardson
Mar 18, 20198 min read
What is Consciousness?
A substantial number of academic papers have been written which describe human consciousness.

J.J. Richardson
Mar 15, 20199 min read
How to Write a Unique Novel
Deciding to write a unique novel is like deciding to write a better one. You must ask yourself, “Unique in what way?”

J.J. Richardson
Feb 22, 20193 min read
Trombone: The Best Instrument
The following is the letter I sent my brother when I learned his son had chosen to play the trombone in high school.

J.J. Richardson
Feb 11, 201910 min read
Unfinished Business
If my mother were to haunt me from the next world (which would be a surprise because she is alive), I know what her incantation would be.

J.J. Richardson
Feb 6, 20194 min read
Internal Conflict
For years, critics kept telling me my stories didn’t have enough conflict. Reviewers would write, “Your characters have it too easy.”

J.J. Richardson
Jan 31, 20199 min read
How to Find Happiness
I believe that happiness is governed by the following two-part principle.

J.J. Richardson
Jan 5, 20194 min read
Video Games
People nowadays are spending more hours playing video games than watching TV. Women are catching up with men on video gaming hours.

J.J. Richardson
Jan 1, 20193 min read
Stick Figure
If you want your young children to learn to write well, encourage them to draw.

J.J. Richardson
Oct 6, 20183 min read
What is Calculus
Recently my mother asked me, “What is calculus?”
After recovering from shock, my response to her was, “Asking that question was a mistake.

J.J. Richardson
Sep 28, 20181 min read
There is a welling in my chest every time I see a sunrise. It is a mixture of awe, anticipation, optimism, solitude, and gratitude.

J.J. Richardson
Sep 7, 20183 min read
Voice: Your Writing Style
Every author has what literary experts call voice. It took me years to realize that voice simply meant the author's unique writing style.

J.J. Richardson
Aug 9, 20185 min read
As you write every sentence of your story, read each one aloud and ask yourself, “Is this sentence easy to read, and is it enjoyable?”

J.J. Richardson
Jul 23, 20183 min read
Why Sidekicks Outshine Main Characters
I've noticed throughout my study of literature that sidekicks and supporting characters are more interesting than their main counterparts.

J.J. Richardson
Jul 13, 20189 min read
Why Are We Losing Respect?
People across all social and economic levels of society are becoming less respectful.

J.J. Richardson
Jul 5, 20182 min read
Wiggling the Spider Web
Pieces of your themes must be touched upon repeatedly—wiggled—so your readers will keep in their minds the central messages of your tale.

J.J. Richardson
Jun 23, 20183 min read
When Can I Break Rules of Fiction?
Before you can successfully break a grammatical or well-established rule of fiction, you must first master the rule.

J.J. Richardson
May 26, 20189 min read
Emotional Habits
I’m about to give you a great truth. When you read it, you’ll be disappointed.

J.J. Richardson
Apr 20, 201810 min read
How to Interpret Dreams
There are three principles you need to know to interpret your sleeping dreams:
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